Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Annual NHS Sports Booster Club Golf Tourney

It's that time! Grab your driver and hit the links with us!

Sun. Nov. 5, 2006
$ 85 per person
continental breakfast, 18 holes golf, scramble starts at 9:00 a.m.
Prizes, Raffle, Awards Dinner at 3:00 p.m.

For sign-ups:
Napa High Athletic Dept
Scott Kostecka or Bonnie Vasquez
ph 253-3840 or fax 259-8802
9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mon thru Fri

or mail to:
Napa High Sports Booster Club
PO Box 844
Napa, CA 94559

or contact:
Tom Sims
Tournament Chairperson
ph 558-1140 or ph 255-4333

Sponsorships are available for $150 per Tee Sign

We are also accepting prize and raffle items for the Award Banquet.
Please bring to the Napa High Athletic Office, mail to the PO Box above, or call Tom Sims to arrange pick-up.

Deadline for Sponsorship, Player Registration and Donations is Wed. Nov 1.

Forms are available for Sponsorship, Player Registration and Donations :
PLEASE EMAIL napahighsports@sbcglobal.net with your request.

Thank you for your support!
All proceeds benefit 20 sports programs at Napa High!

August Booster Club Minutes

Minutes from Tuesday, August 8, 2006

In attendance: Mike Green, Cindy Boyett, Tamie Frasier, Cindy Westerberg, Barb Ruffino, Bob Yanover, Annie Petrie, Monica Dinov, Jerry Dinov, Tom LeMasters, Molly LeMasters, Colleen LeMasters, Monica Nagy, Sheri Steen, Hilary Pieper, Kathy DeMaggio, Joni Enos, Debbie Brown, Roseanne Crandall, Denise Hodge, Darla Harrison, Michael Harrison, Kealoha Keliikoa, Nancy Good, Chuck Hoagland, Lisa Carroll, Laura Brown, and Scott Kostecka . (Eight Board Members were present). Meeting began at 7:05 p.m.


Tamie Frasier reports that our Commercial General Liability Insurance with Malloy, Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services was up for renewal on July 8 and she filled out the required annual application and made the payment. Our insurance has an additional certificate for the PROS club. PROS recently changed their name to the Napa High Academic Booster Club. We used to split the cost with this club but the last two years we covered the entire cost of the liability insurance.

Tamie reports balances on 6-30-06 of … [for more information on account balances, please attend a meeting]. Tamie stated that we have not received the invoice for Spring 06 coaching salaries from the school district yet and we expect to pay an est. $19,250.00.

Transportation costs were $24,437.10 for non-league transportation in 2005-6. The sound acoustic system in the gymnasium this summer cost $14,280.75 and we had approved up to $23,000.00 at our May meeting as a new expense beyond the budget. This spring we approved more expenses beyond the budget including a floating goal which cost $1,179.00, an ice maker which cost $1,724.00, softball bleachers which cost $7,073.67 (approved max $7,500 ) and a swim timing system which cost $11,719.50 (approved max. $13,000). This adds up to additional project expenses totaling $35,976.92 for 2005-6.

The 2005-6 Athletic Budget was approved for $41,020.00 for the Athletic Dept and $115,100.00 was approved for the Sports Booster Club for a combined annual budget of $156,120.00. So far, the expenditures total $87,993.17 with nearly $20,000 due for spring coaching salaries. We spent $35,976.92 on additional projects bringing the yearly expenditures to aprox. $144,000.

A discussion was held on the balance of the Franklin Templeton Investment savings account after a suggestion by Tom LeMasters to move this fund.. Cindy Westerberg made a motion to close the Franklin Templeton account and move these funds to the checking account, 2nd by Kathy DeMaggio, approved by group.


School Bond - Mike Green asked everyone to watch for the upcoming school bond vote to build a new high school for American Canyon and make improvements to Napa High and Vintage High. Annie Petrie added that the bond is for $183 million and would also makeover Memorial Stadium. If the bond does not pass, then more portable classrooms will go up at Napa and Vintage High because the school enrollment is growing too fast. A new high school would alleviate Vintage enrollment and create new boundaries to redistribute the student load. It must pass by a high margin. More information will follow. Tom LeMasters said he mailed a letter to Don Evans about the poor lighting situation at Memorial Stadium after observing numerous bulbs burned out for the All-Star Football game. Tom encouraged others to send a letter on the lighting situation. Cindy Westerberg reports she has heard numerous complaints about the sound system at the stadium. Scott Kostecka stated that the lighting and sound systems at Memorial Stadium will be completely new if the school bond passes. Most likely, the stadium would receive a turf surface. Scott Kostecka said that the Measure M that was approved more than 4 years ago provided Napa High with the M Wing and a courtyard remodel. It is not finished yet and construction will start during the school year for a second gymnasium and a new Athletic Director’s office across from the swim pool.

NHS Student Mailer – Cindy Westerberg emailed the two-sided English/Spanish version of our Membership Form to Ms. Migdal for inclusion in the back-to-school August mailer. PROS assembles these mailers and Mariann Davis contacted Mike Green to say the flyer had become too big and the membership forms for PROS and Sports Boosters would be eliminated this year. Mariann proposed that we send a separate combined flyer for both clubs and they would assemble them if we would pay all of the postage. After a discussion, it was decided to not send a mailer since we set up a table at the stadium gate and we also send the membership form to over 400 email contacts.


Crab Feed – Nancy Good recommended getting Stuart Atkinson back for the DJ.

Stadium Concessions – Mike Green reports that Caryn Green is still looking for more organizational help during Varsity games for the North Booth. Scott Kostecka announced a tentative schedule for concession assignments. The forms will be changed to include 10 volunteers per booth per game. One volunteer will be designated for selling programs and one will be for the BBQ.

Reserved Seating – Cindy Boyett reports that Robin Chester told her that all the seats are taken and she is waiting for aprox. 5 more parties to pay. We were not able to give seats to everyone on the Wait List. We had previously discussed removing the rails in front of the reserved seating area. Scott said he will talk to Hollie Schmidt to see if the spiritleaders need this area.

Football Program – Tom LeMasters reports that 120 letters requesting sponsors for the Football Program went out Aug. 7. Colleen LeMasters will lay out the program and has an Aug. 25 deadline for ads from sponsors. Tom asked those who can help make personal follow up calls to potential sponsors to stay after this meeting to go over the list. Sheri Steen, Cindy Boyett, Mike Green, Bob Yanover and Mike Harrison said they would help Tom. The program needs to be ready for Sept. 14. Mike Green and Cindy Westerberg will help Colleen get senior bios and a senior group photo done. The goal for net proceeds is $9,000. Colleen has started a BLOG spot online for the Varsity Football season and the address is http://napaindiansfootball.blogspot.com.

Napa Indian Bracelets – There are rubber bracelets from last year to sell. Mike Green will arrange to get them to Barb Ruffino for Freshman Orientation.

Water Bottles – After following several leads, Mike Green announced that Connie and Jamie Johnson are willing to sponsor an entire water bottle order again. The company has added more colors and now the label will be a true navy blue & gold and will include the Varsity Football schedule. They will be delivered in early Sept.

3rd annual Fall Sports Golf Tournament – Tom Sims will be the main point of contact at Napa Golf Course at Kennedy Park. You can reach Tom at 255-4333 or tsims@playnapa.com. Bill Stewart at ph 253-2153 and Mitch Frasier at ph 253-1868 will be helping.


Cindy Boyett said she filled the Team Reps for swim team and girl’s waterpolo. She still needs boys waterpolo, girls tennis, boys tennis, girls golf, boys golf, track and badmitton.

Team Rep duties include:
1) sign up & remind parent volunteers to work their sport-assigned stadium concession date during football/soccer season
2) attend Napa High Sports Booster meetings regularly & communicate back to other parents
3) promote Napa High Sports Booster membership all year long among every sport for $50 per person.


Colleen LeMasters offered to find a place to store 12-15 cases of wine because she works at a winery. Then, we can close the storage unit that Dena McKelvey donated for one year. Scott Kostecka will arrange pick up of the wine.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Next Monthly Meeting: The next meeting is planned for Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the NHS Athletic Director’s Office.

July Booster Club Minutes

In attendance: Cindy Boyett, Tamie Frasier, Cindy Westerberg, Caryn Green, Barb Ruffino, Robin Chester, Bob Yanover, Annie Petrie, Monica Dinov, Jim Dinov, Toby Rompel, Kirsten Rompel, Molly LeMasters, Colleen LeMasters, Parie Lambert, Monica Nagy, Devonna Smith, Sheri Steen, Robert Zanardi and Scott Kostecka . (Eight Board Members were present).

Meeting began at 7:10 p.m.


Cindy Boyett welcomed the Team Representatives present. She still needs a Rep for Golf-Boys, Tennis-Boys and Badmitton. Team Rep duties include:
1) sign up & remind parent volunteers to work their sport-assigned stadium concession date during football/soccer season
2) attend Napa High Sports Booster meetings regularly & communicate back to other parents
3) promote Napa High Sports Booster membership all year long among every sport for $50 per person.


Robin Chester announced that there has not been a lot of turnover so far in Reserved Seating. She is maintaining a Wait List of contacts from Terra Croxdale, Scott Kostecka and Cindy Westerberg plus new contacts. She announced a deadline of July 31 for payment. She will then give prior seat holders a phone call to let them know they have one week to pay or they will lose their seats.


Tamie Frasier reports that she is putting together Year End Financials for 2005-6 and will report at the next meeting. She stated that $11,195 plus $525 = $11,720 was paid for the swim team timing system. She stated that $7,000 was paid for the softball bleachers.


Caryn Green reports that she has been coordinating with Vintage High and Mr. Blevins of the N.V.U.S.D. to upgrade the stadium concession booths but Don Evans stated recently that this concern was on the “list of district projects” but was not likely to get worked on this summer. Caryn reports that Jeannette Beatty is willing to help the South Booth during Varsity games.


Caryn Green reports that she wants to pursue the instant digital photo fundraiser and that she will spearhead it this year. Some reports came in about the DJ being too loud and that he did not know the timeline of our event and he arrived late. Caryn recommends that we keep Pacific Seafood as the vendor for crab meat. Discussion was held on some security issues. Next year’s Crab Feed will be on Sat. February 24, 2007 at the Napa Valley Expo. Caryn requested Tom LeMasters help in getting the Expo and liquor license contracts together. Robin Chester recommended we send a nice postcard out that says “Reserve This Date!.” Cindy Westerberg offered to design the postcard.


Barb Ruffino brought in Membership Forms and reminded us we need to staff the Aug. 17 Freshman Orientation at 4:30pm and 6:30pm. Robin Chester volunteered to help and Barb said Lynnie Pelfini told her she could help.


Colleen LeMasters requested Cindy Westerberg to email the Football Program Ad letter. Mike Green and Cindy Westerberg to go to a practice to get Senior Photo and interviews for Program. It was agreed to keep the price of program at $5.00 like last year. Last year the cost was $2,200 to print and we raised nearly $10,000 in ads. Discussion was held on the printer to use. Fri. Sept 1 is the Football Scrimmage but Vintage is hosting this year. Our programs need to be ready for the Sept. 14 Frosh game/ Sept 15 JV & Varsity games. Colleen requests a 2-3 week deadline for her to layout the program. Therefore, deadline of Aug. 25 will be used in the letters. Cindy Westerberg will email the letters. Colleen and Tom LeMasters will mail letters to prior sponsors.


Annie Petrie reports that the acoustical panels are up in the gymnasium and the N.V.U.S.D. has followed through with all of the install this summer. They are repairing the spongy floor under the basketball hoops and refinishing the open flooring (not under the bleachers.) The music and P.A. system already sounds better but she plans to get professional advice to readjust the audio for the new acoustics.

Scott Kostecka reports that the N.V.U.S.D. has built many portable classroom units on school campuses this year. He reports that the district redid the practice fields for soccer, football and track at both high schools and the JV baseball field at Vintage. Vintage’s pool is under construction. The Napa High fields are expected to open next week..


After review and discussion of the 2006-7 budget, Cindy Westerberg makes a motion to correct the scholarships to $6,000 and approve the 2006-7 Athletic Budget, 2nd by Bob Zanardi, all approved. The budget is $42,050 for the Athletic Dept which contributes to all 20 sports programs plus the weightroom and raises funds from Football, Soccer, Wrestling, Volleyball and Basketball admissions and money from the beverage vending machines and sports posters. The budget is $109,900 for the NHS Sports Booster Club which contributes to all 20 sports programs plus scholarships, non-league transportation for all sports, Athletic Director’s secretary salary and gate workers. This money is fundraised by General Membership, Reserved Seating Membership, Fall NHS Sports Golf Tournament, Stadium Concessions, Football Program and the annual Crab Feed. This is a total combined budget of $151,950 for the 2006-7 school year.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

Next Monthly Meeting: The next meeting is planned for Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the NHS Athletic Director’s Office.